// 8.3.2013

   Even that I've been extremely busy lately I was able to squeeze in a short trip to England. I felt so happy! London, friends, hazy spring days, snowdrops,        milky tea, sunday roast, lovely, LOVELY lunch at Ottolenghi's, lazy mornings, Boots, Magners in a pint bottle, just to list a few. Here are three views from    my journey there. Finland > England.


Solen said...

Viimeinen kuva on kivoin. Ihanat ruskea sävyt.

Haluaisin NIIN kovasti englantiin! Ei ole varmaan ensimmäinen kerta kun sen täällä kerron :)

Hanna H said...

Kiitti Solen! Maisemat vaihtui aika tehokkaasti noitten muutamien päivien aikana. Munkin suosikki on tuo olin. Kameralla ihan lälly tosin. Sun ois pitänyt olla siellä! :)

matimuk said...

the air photograph is wonderful
perfect coloring

Hanna H said...

tine, I was quite surprised how clear it was up there in the air! And that pic has been taken just with a phone! :-D